miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

                                BACK TO SCHOOL!!! 
          yay... (sarcasm)

   After an amazing holiday in New York and


  But then school started...


  This year I'm in high school, which is 
   is not great, Since My school  has a 2 
   year extension, I'm still one of the 
   oldest, so I wont get bullied by teenaged

   I'm a tech nerd, and a little bit of a 
   sweet tooth, ok thats a lie I love sweet,
   but I'm going to take a break, I love 
   video editing and making youtube videos,
   although I'm still getting started, And I
   just got Sony Vegas Pro 15, which is alot
   more complicated, and has a very steep
   learning curve, tomorrow I have a day off
   school. Yussssssssssssssssss!!! So talking
   about tech, I'm more of the gamer type       but  I can code, my dad is going to teach     me how to write my own minecraft mods and     plugins.

   Welp, I hope you had a great summer too.

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